OK, a couple of updates:
- There are a number of new updates in the theology lectures post! Volf, Ramachandra, Moltmann, and more Hauerwas.
- I am removing the "currently reading" box. Does anybody really care? It's like a tribal tattoo for theoblogians. I want to be insightful, I want to be approachable. I don't want to be avantcore. I haven't changed it in, like a year. I'll just write reviews and let people judge my comprehension, I think.
- Speaking of .mp3 links - is there a way to html link to specific iTunes lectures? Or has the real evil empire already won?
- I am mucking about with the site. So I find this law at work in me:I know enough to be really annoying, but not to do what I want.
- I had some great book ideas. Unfortunately, this guy beat me to it. Oh well, maybe I can be a hip edgy poorly drawn internet cartoonist instead.
- "How can Evangelical church avoid the fate of the mainline churches?" If you have to ask...
- -at least they are improving credibility with interviews of such luminaries as Joe the plumber. I feel a little dirty just publicizing it.
- Thanks to Chrisendom for pointing out a free book. Zizek's How to Read Lacan is here. Lacan was pretty influential and Zizek is crazy like a fox. I am looking forward to reading yet another book I did not write.
- Instead, you can have this from me
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