unintentionally funny
Stumbled across this on Yahoo yesterday:
Vatican: Beatles music better than today's songs- APDoes anybody else find this funny? The Vatican Media claims the Beatles' White Album, "demonstrated how creative the Beatles were, compared with what it called the "standardized, stereotypical" songs being produced today. Please know I feel a kinship with Roman Catholicism, if not for my extended family's involvement. I just think it's funny a church that prides itself on the universality of it's liturgy and a 2000 year unbroken apostolic succession is cracking back on the "standardized, stereotypical" songs of today. Although praising the Beatles while disavowing the Left Behind series makes a strong case for slow change, it does reignite my curiosity about what's really in the censers.
VATICAN CITY – Vatican media are praising the Beatles' musical legacy and sounding philosophical about John Lennon's boast that the British band was more popular than Jesus. Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano recalls that Lennon's comment outraged many when he made it in 1966. But it says in its Saturday edition that the remark can be written off now as the bragging of a young man wrestling with unexpected success. The newspaper as well as Vatican Radio last week noted the 40th anniversary of the Beatles' "White Album." It said the album demonstrated how creative the Beatles were, compared with what it called the "standardized, stereotypical" songs being produced today.
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