Anderson on authentic church

The church, then, comes into being as the power of the gospel is born as the mission of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). The apostolic character of the church is its role in the process of gospel taking formation through mission. The role of the original apostles in this process is unique and foundational for the church. However the church itself is apostolic in its life and purpose as it continues to give expression to the gospel as Christ's own mission in the world. If the church should lose its orientation to the gospel as the reality of Christ's finished work of redemption, it would lose its apostolic character. Likewise, if the church should turn in on its own existence and fail to extend its life and purpose into mission in the world, it would no longer be an apostolic [*note: authentic] church."

-Ray Anderson, Minding God's Business, (Grand Rapids: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1986), p.7


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