What I do in my spare time...

One of my hopes about this blog is that I can be helpful - it certainly helps me get some thoughts out of my head, but I debate whether or not it should be a clearinghouse of info or something more personal. I always feel awkward about my own life, but I like discussing ideas. So anyways, lately I've had some down time and a chance to pick up music again and I finished some music that's been in my head a bit. It's not standard fare, so don't expect that you'll like it first off :) I kind of "hang out" with some experimental electronic folk online. There is of course a story behind the piece, but then you will have to ask for it. So have a listen and let me know what you think. The link is under the picture, my album art :)

The Unbearable Weight of Assembly

(copyrighted, btw. Free for personal use)


  1. love it!

    i'm a closet electonica fan. don't know too many people that do like it, so i just listen to it in the car when no one's around.

    i've also wondered about how frank and open to be in the online world. it's rare that i feel personal stories would be appropriate to share online, but if you feel you've got some to share, please go ahead!

    i always enjoy reading what your write!

  2. Yay! I hope you like it Jonathan. It's probably a different style than most folks are used to. I suppose it's pretty fitting you are an electronica fan - it is very European, y'know :)

  3. You know, as much as I hate to admit to it, I actually like some of your mixes. I just wish that I can somehow use it for my wedding slide show. That'd be cool!

  4. I will totally hook our site up if you want Ingrid!
    (though I tend to be a bit glitchy)


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