So there you are sitting at a desk thinking to yourself, "how can I expand my mind without adding unnecessary calories? Well, dear reader, I have just the thing for a hungry mind: how about a super sized round up of interesting links?
New Atheists: The atheists are coming! The atheists are coming!
You may or may not be aware that atheism has become vogue lately. The "New Atheists," are an interesting Lot with a particularly aggressive approach to abolishing religion. Here's an interesting article in Wired covering them. They are loud but kind of philosophically uninteresting. For a great Christian perspective (well reasoned with no intelligent design in sight....) check out this page which includes some audio lectures, including Prof. Ben Meyer's - who happens to run my favorite blog in the world.
Capitalism: Turns out, it's mostly chips, not all that.
There's an interesting article over at the NY Times about the free market worth reading. James K. A. Smith writes a great(short) post about the practical effects on Christian community. I took a class with the man, and while hopelessly verbose, he was great to learn from :) I would love for Epic to discuss this some more! He has piece about justice and postmodern church here, too.
Good News: Tired of news of war and rumors of war?
Here's a spot o' sunshine: The RIAA may be dying! What does this really mean? It means that we might be able to use iTunes to burn .mp3s. Vanquish the dark forces of music imperialism!
Fun: All of the above may leave you with furrowed brow. Try playing this for a while. You cannot defeat me! , on medium difficulty, anyways....:) (I can't play until Kevin leaves either....)
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